Събиране и изваждане с мерните единици за дължина

Събиране и изваждане с мерните единици за дължина

2 клас
  Try it out
  • Посочи най-малкия сбор.
    Pick the correct location on this image
  • Посочи най-големия сбор.
    Pick the correct location on this image
  • Дарина посадила четири розови храста. Колко сантиметра трябва да порасне всеки, за да стане висок 100 см?
    • Image for the left image of the connect pair
    • Image for the left image of the connect pair
    • Image for the left image of the connect pair
    • Image for the left image of the connect pair
  • Посочи вярно пресметнатите разлики.
    Pick the correct location on this image
  • Свържи равните разлики.
    • Image for the left image of the connect pair Image for the right image of the connect pair
    • Image for the left image of the connect pair Image for the right image of the connect pair
    • Image for the left image of the connect pair Image for the right image of the connect pair
    • Image for the left image of the connect pair Image for the right image of the connect pair
  Try it out

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